Has your church or religious organization ever done a crowdfunding campaign? Crowdfunding typically involves raising money for a...
Heather Karellas
Volunteering in church benefits members of the congregation and the church itself. Church volunteers perform tasks that staff...
Kara S
Hearing the same Thanksgiving Sermon every year can get old quickly. The trick is to find new ways...
Kristine Ensor
Church boards hold a great responsibility on their shoulders. Members accept the responsibility of providing spiritual and emotional...
Long gone are the days of churches relying solely on tithes and offerings. With fewer members bringing cash...
Tithes and offerings can support your daily church activities, but general fundraising will not be enough when more...
Churches today have continued the mission, but many still face difficulties in developing their churches. The older generations...
For many years, mission trips have played a crucial role in the lives of countless people. Whereas they...
Ilma Ibrisevic
Budgets are needed for churches to continue their mission and grow to reach a larger community. When creating...
Churches who want to add technology to their services often face objections from long-time church members and leaders....